(Notes for a film about happiness)

54′, digital, colour, 1999
Original title:  “Note di un giorno d’Autunno (Appunti per un film sulla felicità)

The film is freely inspired by Letters to a young poet by Rainer Maria Rilke; The conception of its script is based upon three stories by Tagore: Indistinct, The Voice, A day, all taken from the Lipìka collection. The theme of the film is Love, as a capacity born, according to Rilke, from Solitude and that the poet describes as the fruit of the distinction, the psychic autonomy, the freedom and the acceptance of the difference of the other: an ideal vision that each understands as aspiration to happiness.

The film alternates between fictional scenes and interviews. A mix that puts on scene the research that the students have made for the development of a full-length film project. Hence the subtitle: Notes for a film about happiness. The scenes, each written by a different student describe the theme of the future film, through the setting, the atmosphere of the light, the landscapes, faces, rhythms, and contents of thought. The interviews, instead, as casting rehearsals, offer contents for stories about secondary characters to give to young actors in the area.

A film by
Antonietta Bellafronte, Francesco Cipriani, Marisa Innamorato, Raffaella Mastrovito, Michele Raimondi, Andrea Rutigliano